Horticultural Classes/Workshops
The University of Florida/IFAS Manatee County Extension have partnered with us to offer classes at the Palma Sola Botanical Park for a nominal fee. Sign up on EventBrite, stop by the park, or call 941-761-2388.
This button takes you to their EventBrite website and “should” be pre-sorted by “Palma Sola Botanical Park”

Mar 20
Florida-Friendly Landscaping™: Groundbreaking Groundcovers! Learn about the many beautiful groundcovers for trouble spots in your yard where growing grass is difficult!
Apr 24
Florida-Friendly Landscaping™: Edible Landscaping
Learn how to incorporate interesting edibles into your landscape without it looking like a farm.
May 22
Florida-Friendly Landscaping™: Native Plants & Trees for Birds and Butterflies
Learn how to support wildlife, which is losing habitat, by planting Florida native plants.
June 19
Florida-Friendly Landscaping™: The Value of Trees
Join us to learn about the many benefits trees provide that we may not even realize.
More Classes to come soon, stay tuned!